His alias is and his real name, Christian Guémy.

This Parisian artist has a notorious talent for translating the rawness of the streets into stencil . He has an amazing ability of choosing the right scenes and the perfect colours, creating some sort of contrasting and simbiotic alliance between his portraits and the background.

Barcelona, Dublin and London have already had the honor of having their streets sprayed with the honest expressions of his portraits, making the everyday walk a road to invention. That’s mainly due to the fact that his art speaks of freedom and hope: the hope of making the streets more creative and meaningful… because art can sets us free.

C215 equals the essence of , at its finest.


A los 10 años encontró refugio de la ciudad de la furia en una máquina de escribir. Más tarde conectaría con la escritura de viajes en un intento de traducir la mirada poética sobre el mundo que la rodea. Desde entonces, se ha alejado y ha vuelto a la poesía como quien vuelve a los brazos del amante: buscando calor.

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