I remember the first time I listened to him, I was sitting in my living room, latte in hand, watching Mtv, when suddenly ‘Nothin’ on you‘ started playing on Mtv Buzz.

Later that day I found it difficult to get that tune out of my head, and so I became a fan of its music video, playing it over and over again on
A couple of months after, I caught a glimpse of the ‘ Just The Way You Are‘ music video, and it was then when I knew that Bruno Mars had landed in the music industry to stay for good.
He has style, class, an amazing voice and he creates catchy melodies. Not only that, but he also co-wrote some of the greatest hits of last summer: Flo Rida’s Right Round and Cee Lo Green’s Fuck You!
Now, with Grenade ongoingly playing in my laptop, I get the feeling that I have fallen under the Mars’ Effect, and it feels amazing!


A los 10 años encontró refugio de la ciudad de la furia en una máquina de escribir. Más tarde conectaría con la escritura de viajes en un intento de traducir la mirada poética sobre el mundo que la rodea. Desde entonces, se ha alejado y ha vuelto a la poesía como quien vuelve a los brazos del amante: buscando calor.

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